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Jessica Wise

Game Development \\ Technical UI Designer

Game Summaries

CyberBreak is a cyberpunk styled bullet-hell game of which I was responsible for designing and programming all of the UI elements including all of the menu screens, tutorial system, player heads up display which includes a player lives system, and enemy health bars. I also created the pause system, the dialogue system, and the cutscenes. Most art used in these elements were created by me as well, other than the character portraits.

The Cat's Dungeon is a level I designed completely independently and serves as my first project made in Unreal Engine. I used free assets from the Unreal store for art, however everything else was done myself using blueprints. I programmed unique systems such as the combat system which allows the player to shoot a bow with retrievable and reloadable arrows, a health system, an enemy AI system, and a quest and dialogue system. Using UI elements the player is able to press Tab to toggle their quest log, which crosses completed objectives off in real time. There are also UI elements for player health, enemy health, ammo, dialogue, as well as a pause and start menu.

The Legend of the Under-Cat was one of my first full games. It serves as an excellent milestone to gauge my growth as a Designer since then. 

I was responsible for designing and programming all UI elements including menu screens, the tutorial system, and the players heads up display, as well as the level design for the Hub level. In the hub level, the tutorial takes place and once it is completed, the player is able to choose one of three levels by entering their associated portals.

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